Stepping Up To The Wealth Plate.
Keep your eye on the ball the coach is yelling.. The pitcher is in motion and your nerves are at their peak and here comes the ball. You got just a split second to focus on everything that is happening to get the big hit as well as all the emotions attached to getting the hit that you really need and on the other side what if you strike out.
Well there are a few certain items that are going to take place once that ball leaves the pitchers hand. One thing is it is going to come towards you and you have to respond with an action. The second thing is you are going to swing with a hit, swing with a miss or you will not swing at all. Some of these action can also ripple on to others on your team as well by the catcher putting the player out at first because he was attempting to steal because he new he could count on you to hit the ball but you just stood there and did not swing.
The point is creating wealth for your business rather online or off is a lot like baseball. You are thrown curves, fastballs and that awful knuckle ball and you need to learn how to be ready at all times to take advantage of any pitch that is thrown to you and to let your team members know what you are thinking.
So pick up the bat and learn all about the game you are going to play and get started. My game is Niche Marketing by Choice so go find yours and learn it starting today and play hard and you will win more that you lose.
NuWealth Business To Your Success.
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